Emmanuel Macron concludes speech to Congress on warmth between nations

French President Emmanuel Macron tells members of Congress and guests in a joint meeting that he believes in facing challenges and fears it was duty and destiny to work together to build a strong military legion, the 58 years after a resolution the warmest feelings of his nation shared in a friendship with the American people with as much intensity as ever.
French President Emmanuel Macron tells members of Congress and guests in a joint meeting that he believes in facing challenges and fears it was duty and destiny to work together to build a strong military legion, the 58 years after a resolution the warmest feelings of his nation shared in a friendship with the American people with as much intensity as ever.

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Data da criação:
25 de abril de 2018
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Washington, DC, United States
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1280x720 30p
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