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Sign In
Input either your username or email address and password to log in.
Start a search
Find your perfect image with keywords—and trust our advanced search capabilities to take any synonyms into account, too.
View content available through your plan
Toggle on Premium Access to only see the content available on your plan. Toggle it off to see content outside of your agreement.
Download your image
Click on the Premium Access download icon on the search results page.
Search with ease
The robust, AI‑powered search on Getty Images will help you find the content you need, fast.
Explore our content
On the homepage, you can click through Creative, Editorial, Video, and Music to see the types of content we offer.
Choose by content type
Search by Image or Video, Editorial or Creative, by using the dropdown menu on the search bar. While on a search results page, change your results instantly by switching the content type.
Refine your results with filters
Explore our powerful filter options to narrow your results by orientation, number of people within the photo, color, and more.
Organize content with Boards
Add images to Boards, organize them, and share them with stakeholders, coworkers, freelancers, and more. See an example of one of our favorite Boards here.
Create Boards
Just click on the Board icon on the top right and click “Create a Board”. Enter its name and description, and that’s it—you can start adding images to newly created Boards immediately.
Save to Boards
Hover over an image and click on the plus icon to add it to a Board. Click on the dropdown menu to choose which board to save the image to.
Accessing Boards
Click on Boards in the top right on any page to access a list of your most recent Boards, as well as a link to see all of your Boards.
Add notes
Click on the notes icon below images to add comments, suggestions, or general notes to an individual image—or, click on the notes icon on the top left of the Board to write a note addressing all the imagery on a Board.
Share Boards
Click on the Share button to share your Board. You can either Invite Collaborators, which allows people to access and edit the Board, or you can select Share this Board, which provides a read‑only link for the Board—ideal for external marketing agencies and partners.
Download from Boards
To Download content from Boards, simply click the download icon. If you’re downloading more than one asset, pick which images you’d like and perform a bulk download by clicking on Download Multiple Assets.
Download easily and efficiently
You’ve found the perfect content, here’s how to download it.
Download straight from search
Click the download icon on your selected image, or click on the image to go to an image page that offers a larger view, as well as images from the same series, and similar content.
Download in bulk
Download multiple images in a bulk download from a search results page or a Board by clicking the checkmark on the bottom right of the images you want and choosing Download selected assets from the dropdown menu.
See your remaining
download balance
download balance
Go to your account overview to see how many downloads you have left. The search results page will also always show how many downloads you have remaining.
Get notified about previously downloaded assets
You’ll be alerted if you’ve previously downloaded an image or video when viewing it on an image page, search results, or when selecting an image or video on a board.
See your download history
View your entire download search history by going to your account overview.
Filter and export your download history
Sort and search through your history by download date, item number, and media type—you can also export your selected download history as a CSV.
Admin access
Manage your account & permissions
Access your account information by clicking into your account overview in the top right corner on
Manage your auto‑renew settings
To continuously keep access to the Premium Access content you love, turn on auto‑renew in the Overview section of your account.
Manage your users with self‑serve
If you’re a company administrator, use our self‑serve functionality to add, remove, or switch users at your leisure.
Filter & review members and users
Manage active members and permission levels from the members page of the company account section. Here you can see which users can bill purchases to your credit terms or agreements, find users by name, username, or email, and filter members by agreement type. You can also export this list as a CSV.
View Only Access
Allow internal users to view content within your agreement and add to Boards with their own login credentials, without the ability to download.
Guest Preview Access
Send a shareable link that allows users outside your company, such as partners or freelancers, to view and add to Boards without download privileges.
Download Users Access
Enable users to search and download images and videos under your agreement. As a company administrator, you can enable this for multiple users at a time.
Frequently asked questions
Explore common topics and subjects our users ask us about.
How do I add or remove users?
Guest Users: These users can search for content within your account and collaborate with Boards, but are not able to download images or videos. Guest users don't need to register on or have an account. To invite a guest user, go to Your Account, copy the Guest Preview URL and send it to a user. If you want them to use a Board to collect images, create a Board and share it with them using the URL. Guest Preview displays exactly what users of your plan are seeing, without the ability to download.
Download Users: These users can search and download images and videos under the agreement and collaborate using Boards. To enable access for this user, have them register on, and then contact us by email with their username and ask to have them added to your company account with permission to download on the Premium Access agreement. You can add multiple users at the same time as a company administrator.
View Only Users: These users are collaborators that can search for images and videos within your agreement but can’t download. After they register on, contact us with their username and ask to have them added to your company account and enabled for View Only Premium Access. You can add multiple users at the same time.
What happens if there are other teams in my organization who want to use my agreement (either search only or search and download)?
How can you find more relevant imagery?
How can you easily filter your search?
You can filter your search using the panel on the left of the search page. For example, you can use the filter to look for specific camera techniques or photo composition like one person, two people, or a group. To search for videos, select Video in the right‑hand corner of the search bar. You cannot search for videos and images at the same time.
Reading the keywords of images you like will give you new search terms to try and also help improve your keyword vocabulary.
How can you further refine your results?
You can use words like "not" to eliminate a certain search term—for example entering "dogs not cats" would show dogs, but no cats in the results. You can also use "or" as in "dogs or cats," which would include images with only dogs, cats and dogs, and only cats together. If you use "and" it will show images with both dogs and cats only.
How can you find similar imagery?
How can I organize imagery I find?
How do I manage usage and track content used for projects?
Project codes: When your Premium Access agreement is set up, you'll have the option to add project codes. These can be cost centers, departments, or other IDs and can be set as optional or required for all downloads. If you do enable this optional feature, project code selection will be required for all users within the agreement. Contact your company administrator to set up this feature.
Notes: When your Premium Access agreement is set up, you have an option to add a notes field where you can add comments about projects, usage, or whatever you want. This can be optional or required for all downloads. Contact your company administrator to set up this feature.
Download Report: To download a report of all downloads including project codes, notes, and additional downloaded content, login to your agreement, go to Your Account and select Download. Click the Export to CSV link to use this in Excel or other spreadsheet software to track usage by project, user, and content. Or, narrow your report to a single user if desired.
Available Downloads: You can track your agreement details and available downloads by logging in to your agreement and going to Overview.
Prior downloads: If you’ve downloaded images or videos in the past, you’ll now receive a notification if you try to download the same asset again.
How do I manage my invoices?
To get to this page, click through to Account, and then the Profile menu.
The direct link is:‑card
How do I know what images and videos I have access to with my agreement?
If the Premium Access only filter is enabled, you’ll see a Premium Access Download button on any image you select. If you are being asked to add an image to your cart and pay, double check that the filter is enabled, as that specific image or video may not be included under your agreement.
What do I do if my needs change?