vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de tikrit falls; also available: evening news: julian manyon similar to news at ten - tikrit02:48
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; irbil / erbil: various of queues of cars and civilians at border checkpoint at crossing into kurdish region -... - tikrit01:07
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; women standing under umbrella vox pops reporter to camera - tikrit01:02
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of an iraqi military controlled road block, isis militia graffiti on buildings and destroyed buildings from explosions on march 17,... - tikrit01:44
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior wide shots of black smoke from burning oil wells afetr is militants set ablaze the two oilfields of himrin and ajil north-east of tikrit on... - tikrit01:02
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of "welcome to tikrit" road sign and on the reverse "goodbye tikrit" on march 17, 2015 in saladin governorate, iraq. - tikrit00:56
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de al-qaeda's top two commanders in iraq were purportedly killed over the weekend in a joint us-iraqi military raid north of baghdad, dealing osama bin... - tikrit01:44
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de the lawyer of a political refugee from iraq who was arrested in france in march for allegedly taking part in an islamic state group massacre in his... - tikrit01:40
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage dust storm aftermath, sand blasted exhaust pipe, dirty uh60 blackhawk, public restroom / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:32
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage armored humvee chassis and interior / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:11
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage pepsi can in arabic and english, american fast food restaurants / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:35
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage civilian contractor at fuel point / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:40
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers removing engine from ah64 apache with a crane / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:22
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers washing uh60 blackhawk / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit02:01
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage prior military aviation contractors installing main rotor blade on uh60 blackhawk / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:36
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldier working on 30mm belly gun on ah64 apache with rocket tubes and hellfire missiles / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:28
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage prior military civilian contractors working on uh60 blackhawk / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:27
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers shoveling concrete for new construction, female soldier finishing concrete / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:49
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage nightly aviator meeting for ah64 apache crews / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:52
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers going about day to day activities / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:21
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage soldiers pouring and finishing concrete for new construction project / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:46
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage large civilian cargo airplane taxiing and taking off after downloading supplies / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:47
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage civilian contactor using forklift, soldiers removing turret gun and loading tires at supply yard / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:00
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage puddle of mudd performing for us soldiers at blown up soccer stadium / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:11
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage concert at fob speicher, us soldiers cheering and enjoying music / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:27
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage concert at fob speicher held in bombed out soccer stadium, army rock band, cheering soldiers / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:49
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 woman showing thermometer showing 132 degrees / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:10
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 soldier counting new iraqi dinars / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:09
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 iraqi cats adopted by contractors and soldiers / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:54
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage interview with female soldier in m93fox vehicle / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:06
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers setting up for concert in bombed out iraqi soccer stadium / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:28
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 videographer's narration of mystery surrounding midget tank / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:25
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage dust storm aftermath, tent tassels blowing in wind, living area, dust covered water bottles / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:36
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage dust storm aftermath / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:56
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers pressure-washing ah64 apache after being caught in dust storm / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:05
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage ah64 apache caught in dust storm towed in for maintenance, soldier climbing out of apache / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:36
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers working on engine / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:49
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 us soldiers going about day to day activities / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:11
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers calibrating ah64 apache 30mm gun, gunner inside cockpit coordinating with soldiers doing calibration / fob speicher,... - tikrit00:51
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 hangar in rain / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:11
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 two us soldiers engaging in horseplay / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:15
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage camel cardboard cutout in lake, us soldiers engaging in horseplay / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:14
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage us soldiers building new construction framework and conversing about what goes where / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:22
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 4th may 2005 montage soldiers preparing ah64 apache 30mm belly gun and hellfire missile / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit01:35
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 15th jan 2004 us soldiers during morning formation / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:16
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de 15th jan 2004 us soldiers during morning formation / fob speicher, iraq / audio - tikrit00:20
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de dozens of sunni arabs marked the birthday of iraq's executed former president saddam hussein on tuesday by reading poems and verses from the koran in... - tikrit01:01
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de military build-up; tikrit: portrait of saddam hussein painted on wall: tilt down to his hand holding scales of justice: statue of hussein holding... - tikrit00:15
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de discovery of nuclear plant in tikrit; iraq: baghdad: ext seq united nations atomic energy inspectors arriving & along: int ditto along corridor: - tikrit00:09
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de discovery of nuclear plant in tikrit; cms hans blix pkf sof - the iraqi programme is not in compliance with their obligation under the agreement... - tikrit00:09
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de michael fallon interview; england: london: ext michael fallon mp interview on defeating isis in syria sot q: is it a failed mission? [one year on] -... - tikrit04:22
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit: william hague interview; england: london: int william hague mp interview sot ** starts abruptly ** - tikrit10:27
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de russia/america row; lib iraq: tikrit: ext gv street scene with iraqis about close shots of iraqi soldiers details of statue of saddam hussein gv and... - tikrit00:28
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de tikrit falls; news at ten : julian manyon iraq: tikrit: ext us cobra helicopter gunship along lms cobra helicopter away with bradley fighting vehicle... - tikrit02:25
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de tikrit falls; us cobra helicopter in flight lms cobra helicopters gv column of smoke rising over city - tikrit00:21
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de tikrit falls; lunchtime news: julian manyon iraq: near tikrit: ext abandoned iraqi ammunition and military equipment tms equipment left in trench... - tikrit00:28
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de evening news; england: london: int con coughlin interviewed sot - escape plan would be to get him to tikrit - don't think he ever thought he would... - tikrit00:39
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de tikrit falls; itn iraq: tikrit: ext us cobra helicopter gunship along lms cobra helicopter away with bradley fighting vehicle in f/g zoom in as... - tikrit02:57
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de military action / un inspectors; itn tikrit: ext tcms iraqi volunteer soldiers marching along in parade feet of volunteers passing cms large... - tikrit02:14
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; men along through fence gate - tikrit00:02
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels threaten baghdad; omar gazi interview sot - tikrit00:47
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; england: london: int william hague mp interview sot - very concerend and worried about this/ importantt that... - tikrit01:56
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels threaten baghdad; reporter to camera int safeen dizayee set up shot with reporter / interview sot ext various shots kurdish forces... - tikrit01:31
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; erbil: ghazer crossing point: ext young boy carrying bags of food along in crossing point refugee camp family... - tikrit00:25
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; iraqi kurdistan: refugees gathered at window of border crossing point office veiled women stand near border... - tikrit00:09
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de islamist rebels capture city of tikrit; iraqui kurdistan: refugees gathered at window - tikrit00:03
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de shia atrocities; england: london: gir: int donatella rovera interview sot - shia militias have been out of control for a long time / they've been... - tikrit00:16
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de shia atrocities; england: london: gir: int set-up shots of reporter and gary summers looking at the footage on laptop and discussing same sot gary... - tikrit00:35
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de iraqi forces try to recapture tikrit from islamic state; near mosul: kurdish peshmerga fighters firing weapon kurdish fighter carrying weapon along... - tikrit01:18
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de iraqi forces try to recapture tikrit from islamic state; iraq: ext wide shot military vehicles towards - smoke rising above village in background... - tikrit00:56
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de ramadi captured by islamic state extremists; england: london: gir: int chris doyle interview sot - they will not be welcomed by a largely iraqi sunni... - tikrit00:15
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de hundreds of iraqi families continue to flee the south of mosul after forces launched operations to recapture the city from the islamic state group,... - tikrit02:56
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de iraqi defence minister khaled al-obaidi visits troops deployed at speicher camp near tikrit - tikrit01:32
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of families in trucks and cars, with belongings being stopped and paperwork checked by iraqi military troops on march 17, 2015 in... - tikrit01:48
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of iraqi military troops and iraqi shia troops of the badr army militia taking a break and in prayers on the frontline. working... - tikrit03:39
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of iraqi military troops & iraqi shia troops from the badr army militia celebrating together after taking back control of tikrit, from... - tikrit03:07
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior shots of iraqi military troops & iraqi shia troops from the badr army militia celebrating together after taking back control of tikrit, from... - tikrit03:25
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de exterior wide shots of distant palls of black smoke from blazing oil wells, set on fire by isis militants on march 17, 2015 in tikrit, iraq. - tikrit01:52
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de series of evening car bombs targeting commercial neighbourhoods of iraqs capital killed at least nine people on saturday security and medical... - tikrit01:07
vídeos de stock e filmes b-roll de people are seen at a checkpoint as they leave kirkuk for their homes in tikrit which has been taken back from daesh, in kirkuk, iraq on june 18,... - tikrit02:07