The sacred thread of the Brahmin, whilst wearing the cotton thread the Brahmin is pure and able to participate in religious rituals, when removed the devotee to the hierarchy of the caste system becomes impure - Fotografia de stock

Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Indian Sub-Continent, Asia
Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Indian Sub-Continent, Asia
Destinado a utilização editorial
The sacred thread of the Brahmin, whilst wearing the cotton thread the Brahmin is pure and able to participate in religious rituals, when removed the devotee to the hierarchy of the caste system becomes impure
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385,00 €
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Creative nº:
Tipo de licença:
The Image Bank Unreleased
Tamanho máx.:
2390 x 3690 px (20,24 x 31,24 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB
Data do upload:
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Destinado a:
Utilização editorial
Inf. sobre autorização:
Não estão disponíveis autorizações para o conteúdo apresentado. Para utilizar para fins comerciais, contacte-nos.