The ruins of the impressive Hisham's Palace in Jericho, the palace is one of the earliest examples of Islamic architecture, at that time ( 7th century ), Islam had yet to develop its own architectural vocabulary - Fotografia de stock

Jericho, West Bank, Palestinian Territories, Middle East
Jericho, West Bank, Palestinian Territories, Middle East
Destinado a utilização editorial
The ruins of the impressive Hisham's Palace in Jericho, the palace is one of the earliest examples of Islamic architecture, at that time ( 7th century ), Islam had yet to develop its own architectural vocabulary
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Tipo de licença:
The Image Bank Unreleased
Tamanho máx.:
3276 x 2120 px (27,74 x 17,95 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB
Data do upload:
Jericho, West Bank, Palestine
Destinado a:
Utilização editorial
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