Menina posar com seus cães (de grande porte, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua - Fotografia de stock

The young, pre-adolescent ten years old girl posing with her dogs. She has one arm hugging two little dogs -Shih Tzu and Chihuahua, who sit in her lap, while another put on the Great Dane that stands next to them. The girls is slightly smiling while looking at the camera. The Great dane also looks directly into the camera.
The young, pre-adolescent ten years old girl posing with her dogs. She has one arm hugging two little dogs -Shih Tzu and Chihuahua, who sit in her lap, while another put on the Great Dane that stands next to them. The girls is slightly smiling while looking at the camera. The Great dane also looks directly into the camera.
Menina posar com seus cães (de grande porte, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua
Todas as licenças royalty-free incluem direitos globais de utilização, proteção abrangente e preços simples com possibilidade de descontos de volume
475,00 €


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5785 x 3857 px (48,98 x 32,66 cm) - 300 dpi - 12 MB
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Tem autorização de modelo e propriedade