Local agricultor conversações com o cliente no mercado de agricultores - Fotografia de stock

Confident mid adult male Caucasian farmer talks with senior female customer about locally grown organic procuce. The farmer is holding a basket full of fresh veggies. The woman talks with him about the produce. They are inside a greenhouse at the farmers' market. Plants and flowes are in the background.
Confident mid adult male Caucasian farmer talks with senior female customer about locally grown organic procuce. The farmer is holding a basket full of fresh veggies. The woman talks with him about the produce. They are inside a greenhouse at the farmers' market. Plants and flowes are in the background.
Local agricultor conversações com o cliente no mercado de agricultores
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475,00 €


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5760 x 3840 px (48,77 x 32,51 cm) - 300 dpi - 16 MB
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Tem autorização de modelo e propriedade