Pink cherry blossom in Kyoto in spring season - Fotografia de stock

Pink cherry blossom in Kyoto in spring season. The cherry tree is old and aged. And the sky is blue. The weather is very good. It's a color image. The background is out of focus. The photo was took inKyoto,Japan. And there is no people in the photo. There's blue, white, green, pink color in the photo. It is good for design elements and backgrounds.
Pink cherry blossom in Kyoto in spring season. The cherry tree is old and aged. And the sky is blue. The weather is very good. It's a color image. The background is out of focus. The photo was took inKyoto,Japan. And there is no people in the photo. There's blue, white, green, pink color in the photo. It is good for design elements and backgrounds.
Pink cherry blossom in Kyoto in spring season
Todas as licenças royalty-free incluem direitos globais de utilização, proteção abrangente e preços simples com possibilidade de descontos de volume
475,00 €


Creative nº:
Tipo de licença:
Moment Open
Tamanho máx.:
5616 x 3744 px (47,55 x 31,70 cm) - 300 dpi - 10 MB
Data do upload:
Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Inf. sobre autorização:
Não é necessária uma autorização