Grupo de voluntários, servir alimentos na Comunidade Sopa dos Pobres. Caridade. - Fotografia de stock

Multi-ethnic and mixed-age group of volunteers serve food to needy people at a community "soup kitchen" or food pantry location. The food has been donated by local neighbors. The volunteers wear aprons, lanyards, and gloves. Vegetables, fruits, and soup food items are on the table. Service, kindness, charity, community outreach themes.
Multi-ethnic and mixed-age group of volunteers serve food to needy people at a community "soup kitchen" or food pantry location. The food has been donated by local neighbors. The volunteers wear aprons, lanyards, and gloves. Vegetables, fruits, and soup food items are on the table. Service, kindness, charity, community outreach themes.
Grupo de voluntários, servir alimentos na Comunidade Sopa dos Pobres. Caridade.
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