Joyful young Asian mother and little daughter spending time together in nature park on a sunny day. Mother assisting little daughter while balancing on wooden plank with her arms outstretched. Family lifestyle, love and care concept - Fotografia de stock

Joyful young Asian mother and little daughter spending time together in nature park on a sunny day. Mother assisting little daughter while balancing on wooden plank with her arms outstretched. Family lifestyle, love and care concept
Joyful young Asian mother and little daughter spending time together in nature park on a sunny day. Mother assisting little daughter while balancing on wooden plank with her arms outstretched. Family lifestyle, love and care concept
Joyful young Asian mother and little daughter spending time together in nature park on a sunny day. Mother assisting little daughter while balancing on wooden plank with her arms outstretched. Family lifestyle, love and care concept
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
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