Florida Marlins' Alex Gonzalez raises his fist in the air as

UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 22: Florida Marlins' Alex Gonzalez raises his fist in the air as he rounds the bases after hitting a solo homer in the 11th inning to win Game 4 of the World Series, 4-3, over the New York Yankees at Pro Player Stadium. (Photo by James Keivom/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)
UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 22: Florida Marlins' Alex Gonzalez raises his fist in the air as he rounds the bases after hitting a solo homer in the 11th inning to win Game 4 of the World Series, 4-3, over the New York Yankees at Pro Player Stadium. (Photo by James Keivom/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)
Florida Marlins' Alex Gonzalez raises his fist in the air as
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New York Daily News
Data da criação:
22 de outubro de 2003
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