UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES:.||a)NAT (Cape,Stephen)|ENGLAND BV People in Job Centre )|Sussex MS SIDE Group of men looking at job )|Crawley advertisements on wall ) CAPE| CMS SIDE Young man looking at job advert ) CLIPREEL| CMS Young woman helping man looking for ) ITN| work PULL OUT )|| CMS Michael Forsyth MP (Employment Minister) intvwd SOT| -The recovery is creating new opportunities for| people|| CMS Frank Dobson MP (Shadow Employment Sec) intvwd SOT| -While some things in the economy have been improving| the employment situation has not|| EXT| MS Pedestrians along busy street PULL OUT ) CAPE| ) CLIPREEL| ) ITN|| CMS Andrew Britton (Institute of Economic & Social| Research) intvwd SOT| -Unemployment is likely to stay high for some time|| INT|London MS City dealers at work in busy office|City CMS Dealer's hands on keyboard TILT UP| BV Dealers in office|| GRAPHIC| & STILL Public Borrowing April 1992-March 1993|| CMS Neil MacKinnon (Chief Economist Citibank) intvwd SOT| -Intense pressure on public spending/ if the PSBR| goes up then taxes will probably be raised in| November|| MS Nurse in hospital in ward ) HOME AFFAIRS| BV Nurse checking patient's notes ) CLIPREEL| ) ITN|| ...


UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES:.||a)NAT (Cape,Stephen)|ENGLAND BV People in Job Centre )|Sussex MS SIDE Group of men looking at job )|Crawley advertisements on wall ) CAPE| CMS SIDE Young man looking at job advert ) CLIPREEL| CMS Young woman helping man looking for ) ITN| work PULL OUT )|| CMS Michael Forsyth MP (Employment Minister) intvwd SOT| -The recovery is creating new opportunities for| people|| CMS Frank Dobson MP (Shadow Employment Sec) intvwd SOT| -While some things in the economy have been improving| the employment situation has not|| EXT| MS Pedestrians along busy street PULL OUT ) CAPE| ) CLIPREEL| ) ITN|| CMS Andrew Britton (Institute of Economic & Social| Research) intvwd SOT| -Unemployment is likely to stay high for some time|| INT|London MS City dealers at work in busy office|City CMS Dealer's hands on keyboard TILT UP| BV Dealers in office|| GRAPHIC| & STILL Public Borrowing April 1992-March 1993|| CMS Neil MacKinnon (Chief Economist Citibank) intvwd SOT| -Intense pressure on public spending/ if the PSBR| goes up then taxes will probably be raised in| November|| MS Nurse in hospital in ward ) HOME AFFAIRS| BV Nurse checking patient's notes ) CLIPREEL| ) ITN|| ...

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ITN Archive
Data de transmissão:
16 de setembro de 1993
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