Currency turmoil

Currency turmoil; ENGLAND London Guildhall EXT/NIGHT CMS Robin Leigh-Pemberton, Governor, Bank of England, along towards PAN R-L as into building Downing St DAY LMS Car outside No 10 ZOOM IN as PM John Major out of car and into No 10 INT CMS John Watts MP (Ch'man Commons Treasury Cttee) intvwd SOF - all impatient for recovery, takes time for interest rate cuts to feed through, further reduction would be a cut too far EXT LMS Chancellor Norman Lamont along Downing St with his special advisor David Cameron PAN R-L INT W'minster CMS Nicholas Budgen MP (Commons Treasury Cttee) intvwd SOF - we find that the immediacy of Major's interest and control are denied, talking again in terms of private exchange rate target City BV Dealers at desks PAN L-R CMS SIDE dealers at desks CS Dealer holding phone MS SIDE female dealer at desk CMS Steve Barrow (Currency Economist) intvwd SOF - if interest rates do come down the pound will suffer
Currency turmoil; ENGLAND London Guildhall EXT/NIGHT CMS Robin Leigh-Pemberton, Governor, Bank of England, along towards PAN R-L as into building Downing St DAY LMS Car outside No 10 ZOOM IN as PM John Major out of car and into No 10 INT CMS John Watts MP (Ch'man Commons Treasury Cttee) intvwd SOF - all impatient for recovery, takes time for interest rate cuts to feed through, further reduction would be a cut too far EXT LMS Chancellor Norman Lamont along Downing St with his special advisor David Cameron PAN R-L INT W'minster CMS Nicholas Budgen MP (Commons Treasury Cttee) intvwd SOF - we find that the immediacy of Major's interest and control are denied, talking again in terms of private exchange rate target City BV Dealers at desks PAN L-R CMS SIDE dealers at desks CS Dealer holding phone MS SIDE female dealer at desk CMS Steve Barrow (Currency Economist) intvwd SOF - if interest rates do come down the pound will suffer

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01 de fevereiro de 1993
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