Northern Ireland: Martin McGuinness interview

Northern Ireland: Martin McGuinness interview; McGuinness interview SOT - The peace process will continue and the political institutions will consolidate and go from strength to strength / I don't believe that whatever the worst intentions of those armed groups that are out there / I don't believe that they have the ability to bring these institutions down and therefore their activities are futile - I'm coming from the position that these people are determined to destroy the peace process & if I were to do anything other than call for people to support the apprehension of those who were responsible for last night's killings I would effectively be placing my finger on the destruct button of the political process & I'm not prepared to do that / Duty and responsibility on everyone to ensure that we work together to send clear message that not only are we opposed to their activities but that we are going to work together to ensure the apprehension of those who would try to fly in the face of the democratically expressed wishes of the people of Ireland
Northern Ireland: Martin McGuinness interview; McGuinness interview SOT - The peace process will continue and the political institutions will consolidate and go from strength to strength / I don't believe that whatever the worst intentions of those armed groups that are out there / I don't believe that they have the ability to bring these institutions down and therefore their activities are futile - I'm coming from the position that these people are determined to destroy the peace process & if I were to do anything other than call for people to support the apprehension of those who were responsible for last night's killings I would effectively be placing my finger on the destruct button of the political process & I'm not prepared to do that / Duty and responsibility on everyone to ensure that we work together to send clear message that not only are we opposed to their activities but that we are going to work together to ensure the apprehension of those who would try to fly in the face of the democratically expressed wishes of the people of Ireland

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Data da criação:
08 de março de 2009
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