Senator Sanders Opposes Sessions for Attorney General

Senator Bernie Sanders says that President Trump does not understand the Constitution, separation of powers and that the country needs an Attorney General that will tell the President when he is acting in an authoritarian, unconstitutional manner. Sanders says that he personally likes Senator Jeff Sessions, but does not believe that he will be the Attorney General that will explain the Constitution to President Trump. Sanders says that he wants an Attorney General that understands that the current criminal justice system is failing and that Sessions is not that person.
Senator Bernie Sanders says that President Trump does not understand the Constitution, separation of powers and that the country needs an Attorney General that will tell the President when he is acting in an authoritarian, unconstitutional manner. Sanders says that he personally likes Senator Jeff Sessions, but does not believe that he will be the Attorney General that will explain the Constitution to President Trump. Sanders says that he wants an Attorney General that understands that the current criminal justice system is failing and that Sessions is not that person.

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Data da criação:
08 de fevereiro de 2017
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Washington, DC, United States
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